Countdown to Baby Aiden's Arrival

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Surprises and much more!

Sorry it's been a while since our last post...guess we didn't all too much to till until today. Yesterday was Celia's first doctors appointment since we have found out. We went in thinking the due date was about June 27th and Celia being at 16 weeks and 3 days. Well the doctor felt that Celia was a little big for how far along we thought she was so she ordered an ultrasound ASAP. So today Celia had her ultrasound and we learned that she is actually at 18 weeks and 6 days (bit of a difference eh). Not only that but we learned that we are having a boy :o) so the due date is now June 11th, three days after my birthday. So here are some recent photos including the some from the ultrasound, enjoy…

Babys Head and "It's a Boy!" Babys Arm and Foot

(click to enlarge)
(Taken 1/14/09)


::Kayla:: said...

sid isnt happy that u didnt call him and let him know it was a boy. u better do it

angela said...

oh celia your so cute. I never looked this good when I was pregnant. Love ya sis